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Gas chamber in a sentence

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Sentence count:23+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chamberhamburgertimbernumbermemberchampionchameleondecemberMeaning: n. instrument of execution consisting of a sealed chamber into which poison gas is introduced; used to kill people or animals. 
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1. The murderer was executed in a gas chamber.
2. The gas chamber, Maryland Penitentiary.
3. Which way to the gas chamber?
4. Both died in the gas chamber.
5. Like a gas chamber, it overwhelms.
6. In one instance, Harris was strapped into the gas chamber when a stay was briefly ordered.
7. Only three other states still use the gas chamber, Laurence said.
8. Everyone hopes the serial killers gets the gas chamber.
9. Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight?
10. This paper introduces a new kind of gas chamber array of little pixel.
11. Adjust the improper adjustments that braking, the gas chamber brake insect push rod travel time is too long.
12. Within the hot gas chamber, molecules are moving randomly in all directions.
13. An investigation on dusted airflow distribution in gas chamber of multicyclone has been carried out by using the principle that the resistance of dusted airflow in it would keep equilibrium.
14. In each gas chamber cover contain input and output fitting, air shaft driving part includes circulation and guidance.
15. Fourteen murders was more than enough for jurors to vote Bonin into the gas chamber.
16. In California all three candidates for governor have promised to keep the gas chamber busy.
16. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
17. It took him 11 years to get to the gas chamber, from the day he was convicted of five murders.
18. Ronald Reagan appointee, was on the panel that unanimously upheld the gas chamber ban Wednesday.
19. They knew Amelia was too skinny to avoid the gas chamber.
20. The last to die was David Mason, who was sent to the gas chamber in August 1993.
21. If some one had a wound, or looked too weak or too sick, they were selected for the gas chamber.
22. The pressure and density are increased in the storage gas chamber at first stage.
23. The results show that shape of the air cell, properties of the material, volume of the appended gas chamber and diameter of the throttle hole are main factors affecting the dynamics of air springs.
More similar words: chamberhamburgertimbernumbermemberchampionchameleondecemberlimber upnovemberrememberflabbergasteda number ofany number ofcumbersomemembershipchampionshipto the number ofaccount numberdischarginga large number ofschadenfreudegasshamhampergasolineso long asas long asoutgassingashamed
Total 23, 30 Per page  1/1 
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